Day 1 MPC = My Life...

9:31 PM

Firstly, just to point out- MPC stands for May Photo Challenge. In case you were wondering.
Right! That's the business side of things settled ;-)
My Life?
Well I thought I would start with some of my childhood and general information about me and my life so far. So here goes...

Abit of Background
I was born on October 17th in Tasmania, Australia almost thirty years ago. (yep! Big birthday coming up!!)

I grew up in Tassie.
Did all of my schooling in Tassie.
Have a whole lot of family in Tassie.
Was a flower girl twice and a bridesmaid later in life once (as maid of honour for my bestie!)
Obviously I have a mother and father and they are the BEST! Been married for 31 years and still going strong. Love them to bits.
And I have two younger sisters. And we are all totally different. But we all still love each other!
My childhood and teenage years were happy ones, full of adventure, laughter and family fun! I loved school and made friends easily. I was very outgoing and most likely considered 'the life of the party' and a loudmouth! I am still like this abit now but I think I have 'mellowed' a tad over the years.

Abit Later On
I met a man.

And we got hitched.
He is my strength, the love of my life, my hero.
He's my best friend.
Last Sunday, we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. YAY!
And we are still in love I can tell ya.
Sometimes it's tough...
But I'd rather be with him than without him!
And together...
We had these two delightful characters.
Sprout & Sparkle!
They are the rays of sunshine in our lives and make life worthwhile. Some days it may not feel like it is all worthwhile but they really are the most important things in my life.
Maybe because they consume my EVERY day. LOL!
I love being a mother. I don't think I was prepared for the intensity of their dependence on me but I've learnt to accept that and just BE their Mum. Uh, actually...still learning. The great thing about motherhood is that you do learn something pretty much every day and you see different things in your child as they grow and develop. And you can smile and know that YOU were a part of it. YOU, their mother, helped them to grow and learn.
Sometimes, I can look at other people's life and feel like everyone ELSE is having all the fun. Do you get that feeling sometimes? That your life is dull and boring and doesn't mount up to everyone else's?
Well, you know what I have discovered?
When I think about it more closely - I don't want someone else's life...
I just want my own.
And make it the best it can be. We can only use what we have at the time to make us happy. So...
*I have an awesome family who love me unconditionally.
*I had a great upbringing and learnt many valuable lessons along the way (usually the hard way but I learnt them all the same!)
*I have made some great friends and acquaintances over the years.
*I married an awesome man who loves me ALL day EVERY day.
*I have two gorgeous girls who don't just fill my days, but fill them with all kinds of wonderful along the way.
I could list more but I will just stop and dwell on these :-)
I'm Happy :-)
So that's my life. In a nutshell. A very small nutshell.

Tune in tomorrow for Day 2.

With Sprinkles of Sunshine...


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