Operation Studio: Day 2 Progress...

8:08 PM

Well, I did happen to get a few small moments in my new space.
I managed to nab Hubby in his lunch hour to move the cupboard into its designated place and I moved the sewing table into the right position.
So, now all the major furniture is in place! It's time to delve into those boxes and start filling shelves.
I'm pretty certain that this won't be happening until nearer the weekend- so there will be a small break on the progress posts!
We have hit one minor snag...there is only ONE power point in this room. So we are going to need to get another wired up on the window wall you can see in pic above. Thankfully, one of the boss brothers is an electrician so it shouldn't be too much drama :-)

This room is coming along alot quicker than I thought. It helps that hubby was home for the long weekend so I could get onto it without kiddies underfoot. They really do slow the process down quite abit, the little darlings ;-)
Anyway, I am pleased with the progress and my excitement increases as I get closer to the day it is all set up and in working order!

With Sprinkles of Sunshine...


Something Positive For Today...
I downloaded and read the new issue of Etzcetera magazine online today.
Go here if you would like to purchase it. It's really awesome!
I'm also a Gold Etz Club Member! Woohoo :-)

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