Mixed Feelings...
9:55 PM
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I did something today that I've never done before.
Something that is exciting yet a little emotional.
Something necessary and a part of life BUT...
Something I am not sure if I am ready for.
Like I said...
Mixed Feelings.
Today I handed in the enrolment forms for Sprout going to Kindergarten next year!
It is hard to put into words what is going around in my head about this.
At the beginning of the year, it did not escape my attention that this would be Sprout's last year at home full time. I had made plans to do extra activities with her and spend some more one-on-one time with her to get her extra ready for school but that hasn't exactly eventuated the way I would have liked it too. YET.
The thought of Sprout going to school next year is, in most part, exciting. An adventure of sorts really, for all of us. A new phase of life. And I embrace that.
The fun of picking out a school bag for her, a lunch box/bag, getting her uniform...it's all exciting.
Little bits of Mummy worry linger deep down in my heart.
She is still just a little girl...our little girl.
And she is setting out into the big, wide world where I can't look after her, protect her, be with her.
On the other hand, I am kinda looking forward to having just one at home to look after for a few days a week. It will be different but nice in its own way I guess. Well, I'll find out hey!?!
Ever since being told that she will get to go to school next year, Sprout has asked me the same question pretty much every day...
"Will you miss me at school Mummy?"
And of course, I reply that I will (cos I SOOO will) but quickly add that I will also be happy cos she will be learning new things and making new friends. And that is all good things!
She smiles.
"Oh. Thankyou Mummy."
And wraps her arms around me.
Sniff. Sniff.
My heart melts. Bless her little heart.
How did this stage in her life sneak up so quickly?
Time just seems to be scooting right on by and yelling back at us - 'Come on! Try and keep up!'
Well, I am. Trying. To keep up.
And I'll do it with a smile. Afterall, this new phase in our life is exciting overall.
I choose faith over worry.
Change is good. It's inevitable. Life does not just stay the same.
I must move with the time.
Mixed Feelings!
With Sprinkles of Sunshine...
Something Positive For Today...
The girls were quite well behaved in town today. It made the day a whole lot more pleasant!