The Best Choc-Chip Cookie Recipe...
8:35 PM
Well, I think so anyway.
This recipe I am sharing tonight was given to me by one of my primary school teachers many years ago.
You know those teachers that are really happy and bright. They are always encouraging you because they truly believe in you and your abilities.
Well...she was one of those.
My favourite teacher!
So, it is only fitting that this is my favourite choc-chip cookie recipe.
And it's really easy.
And it's named after her...
You Will Need:
10oz butter/margerine
6 TB golden syrup
2 1/2 cups rolled oats
2 1/2 cups self raising flour
1 cup chocolate chips
And it goes like this:
1. Cream butter and golden syrup.
2. Add rolled oats, choc bits and flour. Mix together well with spoon.
3. Spoon onto greased trays (or I used baking paper).
4. Cook at 180oC for 12-15 minutes.
And they're done!
Best darn choc-chip cookie I've ever eaten!
With Sprinkles of Sunshine...
Something Positive For Today...
I went for a short walk in the sunshine - down to the end of our drive to collect the mail.
A few moments of peace :-)