Friday Faves...

7:00 AM

Welcome to another week of my...

1. The title of this article attracted me straight away! We have recently had a few issues with our 5 year PrePrimary child having difficulty in some situations of conflict which we have 'nipped in the bud' and seems to have been successful. Reading this article allowed me to feel validated in our actions towards teaching our daughter better coping skills in these negative situations. It's a good read!

2. Ali Edwards hits the nail on the head with this post - I'm a memory keeper and I am in for the long haul :-)

3. I really like what Elsie & Emma do - looking forward to the release of their new book!

4. I've started reading Elle's blog more regularly over the last couple of weeks and I really like it because pretty much every time I read what she writes, I'm nodding my head. She is on my wavelength..and I like that. This post sticks out to me alot - There is POWER in the POSITIVE stuff people!!

5. I'm pretty sure anyone who watches this would think of the term 'like a girl' quite a bit differently afterwards. I got emotional and all fired up in one pop when I saw it! I want my daughters to be confident, resilient but compassionate human beings - and they'll do it like the strong, capable girls that they are :-)

Enjoy the weekend.

With Sprinkles of Sunshine...


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