I Have Returned...
12:07 PMYes, it has been THREE months since my last post. Just terrible, I know! (haha)
Well, alot has been happening. Between entering my second pregnancy and all that that entails, Christmas, New Year AND going on a holiday - it hasn't left me much time for blogging. I have managed to do a little bit of crafting though which I will share with you in another post.
Right now, I would like to leave you with some pics that shows what Hubby got up too back home here while little Sprout and I went back to Tassie to sort out our container and catch up with family and friends.
^This is all my clothes sorted and folded on our bedroom shelves. Hubby constructed some new shelves out of old playpen walls (so thrifty my man is!) and now I have enough room for all my clothes and shoes and other stuff that needs storing there!
^Before I left for Tassie with our daughter, this room had only one coat of white over the VERY bright and bold shade of blue that was in there. As this room is for little Sprout, we were keen to change it to a different colour...white. Now, painting is the LEAST favourite thing that my husband likes to do - so coming home to this and the furniture set up was a VERY pleasant and overwhelming surprise!! Little Sprout LOVED it also!
^And while he was at it, he painted the bathroom as well. It was a shade of green that wasn't particularly becoming so to see it now white, was a great addition to the surprises as well.
I feel soooo loved! And I love and appreciate him soooo much for doing it all.
Well, I will be back with more creative goodness I have been up to since my last post at a later date (not too long this time though).
With Sprinkles of Sunshine...
I love white! Sprouts room looks great - love the IKEA too :-)