Linky Loves...

7:30 AM

Umm, can't believe it's Friday again - ALREADY!!
Oh well! Here are this week's...

1. I like the look of THIS pattern. Not sure about working in the round though - I've done this before and it has always ended up wonky and twisted! Might pluck up the courage to try again with this project ;-)

2. A new and interesting perspective on being a SAHM (or a stay-at-home-spouse).

3. Again, on a parenting theme, is THIS article about some views one mother has. It has sparked quite interesting discussions and opinions. The question posed was "Do good parents give up their lives for their kids?"
I can see where Lucy Cavendish is coming from, however I don't believe parenthood needs to require total self-sacrifice to the extreme of disregarding all your own personal needs. I do believe that being a parent involves compromise and may sometimes require hard decisions to turn down certain opportunities and/or hold off on certain dreams for the time being - sometimes it's about not now rather than never.
I could say many things right now but I will just say one thing that I have learned as a mother - it's a great deal harder to look after others if you are not looking after yourself. Mothers and fathers are still humans and have needs that need to be met. In order to fulfill the responsibilities of parenthood, sometimes we need to be able to take some time to focus on our own self. 
What do you think about the article??

4. Love THIS! Sometimes ya just need to set yourself an on-purpose challenge to improve yourself and the life you live. It's easy to get stuck in a rut and these points are a great way to get out of it and live life happier and the way you want it. 
Anyone up for a happy challenge?? ;-)

5. CREATIVE JUMPSTARTS. What an awesome name for the new challenge project put together by Marcy and Stephanie. First challenge is up on their blogs - Marcy's take HERE and Steph's take HERE
Love it!

Enjoy your weekend.

With Sprinkles of Sunshine...


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  1. Hi Anna! Just popping in here from the E2C blog hop! You have some great links here!


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