7:00 AM

I'm still here!!
Much has been happening in my world which has resulted in this space being neglected.
But I'm back! So without any further ado, let's welcome back a round of...

1. KEFIR 101 - why you need it. how you make it.

2. Five things to do to be a successful Freelancer!

3. How to tackle shopping for clothes with a capsule mindset - great for those who find creating a capsule wardrobe daunting. There are ways around it :-)

4. Tips for a deeper, richer photo using the Color Story app by A Beautiful Mess.

5. I have been told at one time or another, that I don't receive compliments very well - how do you react when someone has something good and encouraging to say about you or something that you have done? Check this article out.

Enjoy the weekend.

With Sprinkles of Sunshine...


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