Linky Loves...

7:00 AM

Let's get right into this week's...

1. I have a child who can switch on a temper quicker than you can blink - and she is ALL IN, no holding back!
This article gives us FIVE PHRASES that will stop your child from begging and accept NO as NO. I have actually used most of these and I can tell you, kids DO NOT like them BUT...more often than not they are quite effective.

2. I always have difficulty taking great photos with the perfect white background. THIS POST gives us a guide on how to accomplish a perfect shot!

3. I shed a tear watching THIS!'s all so important!

4. 10 Awesome Vinegar Life Hacks you should know!

5. Here are 12 habits of people with homes that are always clean! I actually do most of these but my house is never clean because nothing is organised properly and I have too much stuff not adequately stored, OR I have too much stuff whatsoever. I need to get the house sorted first THEN these habits listed that I already do will be more noticable!

Well, that's it for another week.
Enjoy your weekend and I'll see ya next Friday!

With Sprinkles of Sunshine...


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