Celebrating The Beauty Of Life Well Lived...

12:52 PM

I have decided to try a new photo challenge along with my normal photo a day snapping created by fatmumslim.
This one is about documenting the beauty of life well lived by papercoterie.

But instead of tagging photos via Instagram, Twitter or Facbook, I have decided to try and do it as a daily blog post. Kinda like a photo story for that day using the prompt that is given here in the list shown above.
On the papercoterie blog post for this photo challenge (go here), the question is asked...
"Are you an adventurous spirit?"
The comment I left was this:
Am I an adventurous spirit? This question is now rumbling around in my head. Adventurous to me means – spontaneous, risk-taker, no-worries-in-the-world mentality. In my teens and early 20′s…that was me. Now? Cautious, paranoid and a complete stress-ball. I am not blaming motherhood but I guess when you start having kids and you become responsible for people other than yourself…it changes you!
I know I still do have this adventurous spirit and it longs to break-free…maybe this month’s photo challenge will start me in the right direction: Favourite Ritual= my morning coffee, Favourite part of the day= the peace and quiet when the kids are napping, Something ordinary=embracing the chance to get to bed earlier than normal!
A ‘life well lived’ would be interpreted differently for every person and I need to appreciate and celebrate my life for what it is now and embrace everything, big and small, that is in it!

So there you have it!
I am not saying I am totally unhappy with my life. I just think that sometimes we can forget the good amongst the seemingly mundane tasks of the day! Sometimes I feel like I am trudging through the day and not really getting anywhere. Each day just rolls into the next and the same things are done every day! But...
And I'm on the bandwagon! So here we go... 
Join me on my journey this month and maybe you want to take this journey of embracing life and seeing the best in every day for yourself! If so, let me know and I can link you up so we can share our adventures around!

With Sprinkles of Sunshine...


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